HR+ By Design

Transforming People and Business

(519) 903-3419

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Grow Your Business Through Effective People Strategies

HR+ By Design provides human resources consulting and health and safety services for businesses to create and support human resources programs that improve business results. It is our mission to provide effective, efficient, affordable, and flexible human resources solutions to help companies be successful through an engaged and motivated workforce. The right people need to be doing the right things the right way and we can help get you there.

Services & Solutions

Services & Solutions

Our expert staff will customize programs to help you maximize the output of your most important assets, your people.

Legislative Compliance
Policy & Procedure Development
Attraction & Retention
Compensation and Benefits
Employee Relations
Team Building
Employee Engagement
Succession Planning
Career Displacement & Transition
Health and Safety (H&S) Training, Program Design & Implementation
WSIB Claims Management
Workplace Investigations


Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Leaders are a critical component of company success and while some are naturally born leaders, others need to develop these skills. To get the best performance out of employees, you must get the best performance out of leaders.

Let us work with you to design a program that delves into how you can improve business results by creating individual and organizational success strategies specific to your company needs. 

Managerial Success
360 Profile & Development Plan

Silhouettes on a Puzzle

Call (519) 903-3419 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Get your business and people
moving in the right direction.

We provide consulting services to create and support your human resources and health and safety programs. Contact us in Southwestern, ON and surrounding areas for a free consultation.